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Cylch Meithrin Caerau is now permanently closed, please contact CMTrelai


We are a Welsh Nursery, operating 49 weeks of the year 8-5.30pm Monday to Friday. We accept private, Flying start funded and children funded by the child care offer.

fsa 5 star rating

Rated 5 Stars by the FSA (Food Standards Agency)

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There are no strangers here just friends you haven't met
Does dim dieithriaid yma dim ond ffrindiau chi ddim wedi cwrdd a

Enrolling your child at Cylch Meithrin Maes y Morfa?

Enrolling your child at Cylch Meithrin Trelai?

Download our Induction Pack here

cylch meithrin trelai

Cymraeg yw iaith y Cylch Meithrin. Cymraeg fydd iaith cyfrwng holl weithgareddau’r cylch.   Mae nifer o’r plant o gartrefi di-Gymraeg, ond Cymraeg fyddwn ni, yr oedolin, yn siarad a nhw bob amser a chyn pen dim o dro byddant yn deall y cwbl, bron!

cylch meithrin caerau

Mae’r Cylch Meithrin ar gyfer bechgyn a ferched o 2 mlwydd oed hyd nes y byddant yn dechrau ysgol uwchradd.  Cynigir amryw o weithgareddau chwarae i’r plant, megis tywod a dwr, cegin mwdlyd, toes, clai, y ty bach twt, gemau bwrdd a jigso, crefft, paent, offer dringo, beiciau, tegannau adeiladu, amrywiaeth o adnoddau naturiol a.y.y.b. 

The language of Cylch Meithrin Caerau is Welsh.  All the Cylch`s activities are conducted through the medium of Welsh.  Many of the children are from non-Welsh speaking homes, but the adults in the Cylch always speak Welsh to the children at every opportunity, in no time at all they understand practically everything and are soon singing and using welsh language phrases.

The Cylch Meithrin is for boys and girls from the age of 2 until they go to high school.  Various play activities are available daily, such as sand and water, muddy kitchen, play dough, clay, play house, table-top games and jigsaws, craft, paint, climbing apparatus, bikes, construction toys, various natural resources etc.

flying start wales
mudiad meithrin



t: 02920576805 | m: 07426795886

Jacob & Siobhan | Trelai

To all the wonderful ladies at the Cylch, we want to thank you all for a lovely day at the beach. It was so kind that we didn’t have to pay, you all do a fab job with our kids, I know all the parents think your great!!! Love Jacob & Siobhan


All the staff at Cylch. Thank you for all the hard work you’ve put in to Dylan over the last year, he’s come so far. you do an amazing job with him. Hayley x

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C. Gabriel

I think everyone did a great job, it was so nice to see the children enjoying and participating in a lovely organised event

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